
Out of the Nest and Into the World

Last March, I got hired as a part-time English teacher at a private school. So apart from my writing job from 8 am to 5:12 pm, I now have to teach English classes from 6 to 10 pm. One of my friends asked me if in between my schedule I could still eat and go to the bathroom and you know what I answered? "Jelly!" Hahaha! XD
Yeah I have barely enough time for myself now, but at least it pays well and I don't need to worry about my parent's imminent retirement or my mom's treatments. It's a little sacrifice that I'm willing to bear just so they'll have a comfortable life. T_T

Okay, enough with the sad violin... 
Anyway, I was able to teach a young Filipino boy that just graduated from college. He enrolled at our school so he could develop his English speaking skills and increase his chances of landing a decent job. On our first meeting he could barely express himself, stuttering and getting tongue-tied, and at one point he already pleaded if he could speak in Tagalog (Philippine language). That just broke my heart... I could sense how helpless he felt and how much he's struggling to break out of his shell. Yah, he was pretty dang shy. I mean, damn! O_O After that first meeting, I made it my goal and personal mission for this sweet boy to not only improve on his speaking, but help him gain the confidence and self-esteem he needs to get out into the world and make his mark.

After 40 hours of reading, listening, and public speaking exercises I noticed a great change in him. He was not anymore that shy boy who could not express himself properly and stuttering at every turn. He has become a young, confident man that could hold his head high and eloquently speak his mind. What a change! Even my co-teachers noticed how much he has progressed and I even got commended by my superiors on how I handled his radical, and yet very educational curriculum. Oh my gosh! I never expected I could have such great impact on a person's life. He even told me that out all his teachers I was his favorite as it was only from me that he learned the most. Here comes the feels train. Choo-choo! T.T

Last Wednesday (Jul. 12) was our final class and he delivered his graduation speech. Almost all my co-teachers, my Taiwanese student, and my sweet baby's mom was there. To be honest, we were all dumb-founded and shocked as he delivered the speech beautifully and wholeheartedly. There was almost zero mistakes and confidence really radiated from him. It was such a heart-felt moment and I was so touched of how much he appreciated me as his teacher. I was badly in the brink of tears and it took a lot out of me just to keep them from rushing out. Seriously! I don't want to be a freaking waterfall in my student's special moment. O_O Then suddenly his mom cried and said that she could not believe that her son could speak in public as he'd been struggling for years to communicate in English. At one point she almost lost hope finding the best and yet affordable institution that could help her boy. It was truly a blessing she found the academy and could never be happier how his son turned out. Like that moment was not tear-jerking enough, my student had to go and amplify the mood by shedding pure, innocent, tears of joy. Aaaw! Damn them ninjas cutting onions again! ToT

I had so many mixed emotions that night... Until now as I remember it, it just feels so surreal. I never thought I could be so happy. Oh my gosh! I still find it hard to believe I was able to turn someone's life around, that I had a big hand in a boy's path to maturity and success. Wow! The feeling is... I don't know, it's just so profound and overwhelming... It's so MATHEMATICAL!!!
So for someone who left quite an impression in my life, he deserves to get one of my amigurumis. As he had grown into a majestic swan from a lowly duckling, it is but fitting to give him a cutie-patootie baby duckie. Am I right? Ha? Ha? -^.^-

I used the duckling pattern by AmigurumiBB and slightly adjusted it to make it a tad smaller.

(Click for Pattern)

Monaco Yarn Shade #12 - Blonde (2-3 skeins)
Monaco Yarn Shade #13 - Honey (1-2 skeins)
Monaco Yarn Shade #42 - Sapphire (1 skein)
Crochet Hook - F5 (3.75 mm)
Black beads #10
Fiberfill stuffing
Pink blush
*3sc1 = 3sc in 1st
*3sctog = dec 3sc together

Rnd 1: sc on 2nd ch,  3sc, 3sc1, 3sc, inc (12)
Rnd 2: inc, 3sc, 3inc, 3sc, 2inc (18)
Rnd 3: 1sc, inc, 4sc, [inc-1sc] 2x, inc, 4sc, inc, 1sc, inc (24)
Rnd 4: 2sc, inc, 5sc, [inc-2sc] 2x, inc, 5sc, inc, 2sc, inc (30)
Rnd 5: 3sc, inc, 6sc, [inc-3sc] 2x, inc, 6sc, inc, 3sc, inc (36)
Rnd 6: 4sc, inc, 7sc, [inc-4sc] 2x, inc, 7sc, inc, 4sc, inc (42)
Rnd 7: 5sc, inc, 8sc, [inc-5sc] 2x, inc 8sc, inc ,5sc, inc (48)
Rnd 8-16: sc around (48)
Rnd 17: dec-6sc (42)
Rnd 18: dec-19sc (40)
Rnd 19: sc around (40)
Rnd 20: dec-2sc (30)
Rnd 21: dec-1sc (20)
Rnd 22: 5sc-dec (18)
FO, weave in ends
*Attach black beads for eyes
*Put a little blush on the cheeks

Row 1: inc on 2nd ch, 5inc (12)
FO, leave tail for sewing
*Attach to the top of the head
Rnd 1: 6sc in mr (6)
Rnd 2: inc around (12)
Rnd 3: 1sc-inc (18)
Rnd 4: inc-2sc (24)
Rnd 5: inc-3sc (30)
Rnd 6: inc-4sc (36)
Rnd 7: inc-5sc (42)
Rnd 8-12: sc around (42)
Rnd 13: dec-19sc (40)
Rnd 14: dec-2sc (30)
Rnd 15: sc around (30)
Rnd 16: dec-1sc (20)
Rnd 17: sc around (20)
Rnd 18: dec-8sc (18)
FO, leave tail for sewing
Rnd 1: sc on 2nd ch, 5sc, 3sc1, 5sc, inc (16)
Rnd 2-3: sc around (16)
FO, leave tail for sewing
*Attach to the head

WINGS (2x)
Rnd 1: 6sc in mr (6)
Rnd 2: inc around (12)
Rnd 3-4: sc around (12)
Rnd 5: inc-1sc (18)
Rnd 6-7: sc around (18)
Rnd 8: 1sc-dec (12)
Rnd 9: sc around (12)
FO, leave tail for sewing 

LEGS (2x)
Rnd 1: 6sc in mr (6)
Rnd 2: 3sc1-1sc (12)
Rnd 3: 1sc, [3sc1-3sc] 2x, 3sc1, 2sc (18)
Rnd 4: 2sc, [3sc1-5sc] 2x, 3sc1, 3sc (24)
Rnd 5: sc around (24)
Rnd 6: 1sc, 3sctog, 3sc, 3sctog, 14sc (20)
Rnd 7: 3sctog, 1sc, 3sctog, 13sc (16)
Rnd 8: 3sctog, 13sc (14)
Rnd 9: sc around (14)
FO, leave tail for sewing

Row 1: sc on 2nd ch, inc, ch1-turn (3)
Row 2: 2sc, inc, ch1-turn (4)
Row 3: inc, 3sc, ch1-turn (5)
Row 4-5: sc across, ch1-turn (5)
Row 6: (skip 1st), 2sc, dec, ch1-turn (3)
Row 7: 1sc, dec, ch1-turn (2)
Row 8: inc, 1sc, ch1-turn (3)
Row 9: 1sc, 2inc, ch1-turn (5)
Row 10-12: sc across, ch1-turn (5)
Row 13: (skip 1st), 2sc, dec , ch1-turn (3)
Row 14: 1sc, 1dec (2)
FO, leave tail for sewing
*Fold the edges to the center and sew to form the bow
This bebe duckie carries all my good intentions, my hopes and dreams, and all the love I can muster for the dear boy. If it was up to me I'd like him to be my student forever, but then again I would not want to be that selfish. As a teacher, I have to let him spread his wings and soar high to reach his greatest potential. Sigh! I'll miss that sweet boy. 

So go my son and show them what you're made of. The world is lucky to have you. Make mama proud. TvT 

Copyright: Bebe Duckie is a pattern adapted from AmigurumiBB's original Duckling pattern. You may do whatever you want with the finished product but please do not sell or claim the pattern as your own. Also, do not post the pattern directly to your website. Just link it to this blog. ^^

Disclaimer: Some of the images/gif are not mine and can be searched online