
Snow White and the Seven Dwarves

Well, time sure flies... It only seemed like yesterday when my little niece was born, started to walk, had her first birthday... Now she just turned two. Aaw! Our little princess is growing up. ^^ It really is the most adorable thing when your niece already recognizes you... From being called "ta-ta-ta", she now clearly calls me "Auntie". ^^

So for her second birthday, such a sweet, little girl like her of course deserves a cute, little gift. With "cute, little gift" I meant amigurumis of Snow White and the Seven Dwarves. This time it wasn't a surprise gift, but a special request from my sister-in-law.

Honestly, I was hoping that my niece would be a little mermaid fan (Like me. ^^) but I guess Snow White's good too... C'est la vie. -_- Well, when the time comes that I have a daughter I'm gonna make sure she'll go gaga over mermaids. Yes... Let the fish tail and scales flow through you. Mwahahaha! Nice. ^^
Anyway, for Snow White I used the Disney Animators' Collection Snow White doll as reference. Well, I just thought it would be more adorable to make her in her toddler form. ^^
Then for the base, I used Serah Basnet's Cookie doll pattern. Of course I tweaked it a little bit to fit the doll's profile.
(Click for Pattern)

Monaco Yarn Shade #10 - Chiffon (5-6 skeins)
Monaco Yarn Shade #21 - Rose (1-2 skeins)
Monaco Yarn Shade #42 - Sapphire (1-2 skeins)
Monaco Yarn Shade #40 - Celeste (1 skein)
Monaco Yarn Shade #1 - Snow (1 skein)
Monaco Yarn Shade #100 - Raven (1 skein)
Monaco Yarn Shade #19 - Raincoat (5-6 skeins)
Monaco Yarn Shade #12 - Blonde (1 skein)
Monaco Yarn Shade #20 - Dandelion (1 skein)
Crochet Hook - H8 (5 mm)
        - Black
        - Red
White felt cloth
Marker pens
Lacquer/transparent nail polish
White glue
Pink blush
Fiberfill stuffing
*hdcinc = 2hdc in 1st
*dcinc = 2dc in 1st
*3dc1 = 3dc in 1st
*slhdcinc = sl and 2hdc in same st
*bo = bobble stitch

Rnd 1: 6sc in mr (6)
Rnd 2: inc around (12)
Rnd 3: 1sc-inc (18)
Rnd 4: 2sc-inc (24)
Rnd 5: 3sc-inc (30)
Rnd 6: 4sc-inc (36)
Rnd 7: 5sc-inc (42)
Rnd 8: 6sc-inc (48)
Rnd 9: 7sc-inc (54)
Rnd 10-17: sc around (54)
Rnd 18: 7sc-dec (48)
Rnd 19: 6sc-dec (42)
Rnd 20: 5sc-dec (36)
Rnd 21: 4sc-dec (30)
Rnd 22: 3sc-dec (24)
Rnd 23: 2sc-dec (18)
Rnd 24: 1sc-dec (12)
FO, leave tail for sewing
*Stitch to BLO of the body
*Draw the eyes with markers on the felt and spray with lacquer
*Spray lacquer is more advisable to use since it's less messy but nail polish is good too if a can is not available.

Rnd 1: 6sc in mr (6)
Rnd 2: inc around (12)
Rnd 3: 1sc-inc (18)
Rnd 4: 2sc-inc (24)
Rnd 5: 3sc-inc (30)
Rnd 6: 4sc-inc (36)
Rnd 7: 5sc-inc (42)
Rnd 8: 6sc-inc (48)
Rnd 9: 7sc-inc (54)
Rnd 10: 17sc-inc (57)
*Work in rows
Row 11-15: 36sc, ch1-turn (36)
FO, leave tail for sewing
*Stitch to the head

*Get 2 to 3 skeins of Raven then with no particular pattern, just create an mr and continue to 1sc-inc all around until the skeins run out. No need to use a marker. Just go crazy! ^^
*Get a small tub and fill it with water. Not so sure on measurements but fill it enough that all the circles you make could get soaked
*Pour some glue, but not too much to make it thick and gooey
*After soaking the circles, pull it out to dry. A hair dryer would take less time, but if you don't have one then the good ol' sun will be good enough. It would be practical to do this before doing the rest of the parts so the hair would be ready by the time you finish everything else. Drying time usually lasts up to two days
*When it's dry, unravel the circles and you'll find that it created little curls. Cut the strands in 16-inch lengths then attach to the hair cap
*Use my favorite hair tutorial to attach the hair
*When you've attached all the strands, cut it to desired length. Do some styles if you like

SHOES (2x)
Rnd 1: sc on 2nd ch, sc around (10)
Rnd 2: inc, 2sc, 3inc, 2sc, 2inc (16)
Rnd 3: inc, 4sc, 4inc, 4sc, 3inc (24)
Rnd 4: BLO, sc around (24)
Rnd 5: 7sc, 3dec, 11sc (21)
Rnd 6: 6sc, 3dec, 7sc, dec (17)
Rnd 7: BLO, 6sc, 2dec, 7sc (15)
Rnd 8-10: sc around (15)
Rnd 11: FLO, hdcinc, [slhdcinc] 14x, sl on 1st st (30)
*The socks should have a 15-petal effect
FO, weave in ends

LEGS (2x)
*Reconnect yarn and continue rounds from shoes to legs
Rnd 12-30: sc around (15)
Rnd 31-32: sc around (15)
FO, weave in ends

*After completing the two legs, sl them together
*Make sure the legs are slightly angled so that it wouldn't look too straight or stiff facing front
*Continue rounds to the body

Rnd 33: sc around (28)
Rnd 34: 1sc-inc (42)
Rnd 35-36: sc around (42)
Rnd 37: sc around (42)
Rnd 38: sc around (42)
Rnd 39: BLO, sc around (42)
Rnd 40: sc around (42)
Rnd 41: BLO, 5sc-dec (36)
Rnd 42: 4sc-dec (30)
Rnd 43: 3sc-dec (24)
Rnd 44-45: sc around (24)
Rnd 46: 2sc-dec (18)
Rnd 47-48: sc around (18)
Rnd 49: sc around (18)
Rnd 50: BLO, hdc around (18)
Rnd 51: 1sc-dec (12)
Rnd 52: FLO, hdcinc,  [slhdcinc] 11x, sl on 1st st (24)
FO, weave in ends

*Continue on FLO of Rnd 39 of the body 
Rnd 1: inc around (84)
Rnd 2: sc around (84)
Rnd 3: 3sc-inc (105)
Rnd 4: sc around (105)
Rnd 5: 4sc-inc (126)
Rnd 6: sc around (126)
Rnd 7: 5sc-inc (147)
Rnd 8: sc around (147)
Rnd 9: 6sc-inc (168)
Rnd 10: sc around (168)
Rnd 11: 7sc-inc (189)
Rnd 12: sc around (189)
FO, weave in ends

With Stephanie Fearon's bow pattern, I made a cute ribbon on Snow White's waist. I used Dandelion.

(Click for Pattern)

ARMS (2x)
Rnd 1: 6sc in mr (6)
Rnd 2: inc around (12)
Rnd 3: 1sc-inc (18)
Rnd 4: sc around (18)
Rnd 5: [1sc-dec] 3x, 1bo, dec, [1sc-dec] 2x (12)
Rnd 6: sc around (12)
Rnd 7: 2sc-dec (9)
Rnd 8-16: sc around (9)
Rnd 17: FLO, sc around (9)
Rnd 18: sc around (9)
Rnd 19: 2sc-inc (12)
Rnd 20: 3sc-inc (15)
Rnd 21: 4sc-inc (18)
Rnd 22: sc around (18)
Rnd 23: 4sc-dec (15)
Rnd 24: 3sc-dec (12)
Rnd 25: dec around (6)
FO, Weave in ends
*Re-attach yarn and stitch to body

Row 1: sc on 2nd ch, sc across, ch3-turn (18)
Row 2: 1dc-dcinc, ch3-turn (27)
Row 3: 2dc-dcinc, ch3-turn (36)
Row 4: 3dc-dcinc, ch3-turn (45)
Row 5: 4sc-inc (54)
FO, leave tail for sewing
*Stitch to BLO of Rnd 50 of the body

Row 1: inc on 2nd ch from hook, ch1-turn (2)
Row 2: 2inc, ch1-turn (4)
Row 3-35: sc across, ch1-turn (4)
Row 36: 2dec, ch1-turn (2)
Row 37: dec (1)
FO, leave tail for sewing
*Stitch to the head 

For the bow on the head band, I used Amanda Bragg's bow pattern.

(Click for Pattern)

Finally, with a little blush here and there... And viola!!! Snow White is done and done. Phew! That was some work out. I thought I'd never finish. She was really quite the challenge my friend, it took me a whole month. Yikes! XD But like what they always say, "You can't rush art." Okay, she may not be an exact replica of the doll but still very sweet and adorable. ^^
Do you remember Mirmo de Pon!? A Japanese anime about a tiny, fairy prince named Mirmo? Well, if you do then you know how cute these fairy characters were... Big chubby cheeks, palm-top height, and tiny, stubby legs... Such darling cutie-patooties. ^3^
So for my version of the Seven Dwarves, I used the adorable fairy prince as reference. Weee!!! ^^ Seriously, it would be a mortal sin not to. I mean, how much cuter can it get? Nothing says "I wuv you!" more than bite-sized seven dwarves in rainbow colored onesies. Hehehe! Ooh! I can't wait to see how adorable they'll look when my sweet, little niece plays with them. Aww! Cuteness overload. ^^

For Mirmo de Pon! fans out there, you can totally use this to make your own amigurumi of Mirmo, Rirumi, Yashichi or other fairy characters. Just make the head a little bigger or make the body smaller to perfectly match the ones in the anime. ^^

Monaco Yarn Shade #10 - Chiffon (5-6 skeins)
Monaco Yarn Shade #100 - Raven (1 skein)
Dark Rainbow:
               - Monaco Yarn Shade #21 - Rose (1-2 skeins)
               - Monaco Yarn Shade #25 - Fire (1-2 skeins)
               - Monaco Yarn Shade #18 - Bumblebee (1-2 skeins)
               - Monaco Yarn Shade #50 - Parakeet (1-2 skeins)
               - Monaco Yarn Shade #49 - Peacock (1-2 skeins)
               - Monaco Yarn Shade #24 - Grape (1-2 skeins)
               - Monaco Yarn Shade #35 - Bubblegum (1-2 skeins)
Light Rainbow:
               - Monaco Yarn Shade #255 - Tomato (1 skein)
               - Monaco Yarn Shade #23 - Pumpkin (1 skein)
               - Monaco Yarn Shade #12 - Blonde (1 skein)
               - Monaco Yarn Shade #36 -  Lizard (1 skein)
               - Monaco Yarn Shade #40 - Celeste (1 skein)
               - Monaco Yarn Shade #26 - Periwinkle (1 skein)
               - Monaco Yarn Shade #31 - Flamingo (1 skein)
Crochet Hook - E4 (3.5 mm)
Felt cloth:
          - White
          - Black
          - (Optional colors for the hair)
Pink blush
Fiberfill stuffing

Rnd 1: 6sc in mr (6)
Rnd 2: inc around (12)
Rnd 3: 1sc-inc (18)
Rnd 4: 2sc-inc (24)
Rnd 5: 3sc-inc (30)
Rnd 6: 4sc-inc (36)
Rnd 7: 5sc-inc (42)
Rnd 8-11: sc around (42)
Rnd 12: 5sc-dec (36)
Rnd 13: 4sc-dec (30)
Rnd 14: 3sc-inc (24)
Rnd 15: 2sc-inc (18)
FO, leave tail for sewing
*Cut out black and white felt for the eyes
*Stitch to BLO of the body
*Put a little blush on the cheeks

(Dark Rainbow)
Rnd 1: 4sc in mr (4)
Rnd 2: 1sc-inc (6)
Rnd 3: 2sc-inc (8)
Rnd 4: 3sc-inc (10)
Rnd 5: 4sc-inc (12)
Rnd 6: 5sc-inc (14)
Rnd 7: 6sc-inc (16)
Rnd 8: 7sc-inc (18)
Rnd 9: 8sc-inc (20)
Rnd 10: 9sc-inc (22)
Rnd 11: 10sc-inc (24)
Rnd 12: 11sc-inc (26)
Rnd 13: 12c-inc (28)
Rnd 14: 13c-inc (30)
Rnd 15: 14sc-inc (32)
Rnd 16: 15sc-inc (34)
Rnd 17: 16sc-inc (36)
Rnd 18: 17sc-inc (38)
Rnd 19: 18sc-inc (40)
Rnd 20: sc around (40)
FO, leave tail for sewing

*Since the hat covers most of the head you only need to cut out small pieces of felt cloth for the bangs
*Glue it just above and between the eyes

ARMS (2x)
Rnd 1: 6sc in mr (6)
Rnd 2: sc around (6)
(Dark Rainbow)
Rnd 3: inc around (12)
Rnd 4-6: sc around (12)
Rnd 7: 1sc-dec (8)
Rnd 8-9: sc around (8)
FO, leave tail for sewing

LEGS (2x)
(Dark Rainbow)
Rnd 1: 6sc in mr (6)
Rnd 2: inc around (12)
Rnd 3: 1sc-inc (18)
FO, leave tail for sewing

*After completing the two legs, attach them together with 2 stitches
*Reconnect yarn and continue rounds from legs to the body

(Dark Rainbow)
Rnd 4: sc around (32)
Rnd 5: 15sc-inc (34)
Rnd 6-8: sc around (34)
Rnd 9: [6sc-dec, 7sc-dec] 2x (30)
Rnd 10-11: sc around (30)
Rnd 12: 3sc-dec (24)
Rnd 13-14: sc around (24)
Rnd 15: 2sc-dec (18)
FO, weave in ends

(Light Rainbow)
*Connect yarn to FLO of the body
*sl-ch3 and 3dc1, [3dc1] 17x, sl on 1st st (54)
FO, weave in ends

SHOES (2x)
Rnd 1: 4sc in mr (4)
Rnd 2: 1sc-inc (6)
Rnd 3: sc around (6)
FO, leave tail for sewing
Seven dwarves in less than three weeks? Yowza! It felt like an iron man marathon. What an adrenaline! Hahaha! XD
So that's it... Two months in the making and I finally finished my niece's birthday gift, and just in time too. Success!!! ^^

Copyright: Snow White (Adapted from Serah Basnet's Cookie, the amigurumi girl pattern) and the 7 Dwarves are original patterns written by Duchess Gala. You may do whatever you want with the finished product but please do not sell or claim the pattern as your own. Also, do not post the pattern directly to your website. Just link it to this blog. ^^ 

 Disclaimer: Some of the images are not mine and can be searched online


Once again I joined the amigurumi-making contest in Amigurumi-Challenge and this time, the challenge was to make a dinosaur. Either with your own pattern or adopting someone else's.

Well, if it's a dinosaur... I've already made one: Kaimon, my kawaii solution to the excessive green yarn problem. Hehehe! Remember the cutie? ^^

If it was allowed, I would've had him for my entry. He'd be a sure win! Bwahahaha! But rules are rules... I can only submit an amigurumi that's made within the contest month, which in this case was March. Oh well... C'est la vie! If life gives you lemons... You squeeze them back into life's eyes. Now that's a twist. Gumball's mom is so hardcore. ^^

Initially I didn't want to join since I've got tons of projects lined up. With my niece's birthday coming up and her mom's challenging gift request... Yah! There's a lot on my plate. Plus, I got no inspiration to make up a dino pattern. I was currently in a state of creative block. So instead of rainbows, unicorns, and chocolate waterfalls, there was a buzzing static in my head. Groan. -_- 

It all happened when I did my yarn inventory after buying sets of skeins for my upcoming projects (For some reason, doing yarn inventory is just as good as wearing a thinking hat. Imagine that. O_o). So I separated all the ones I'm going to use from the ones I'm putting in storage. When the PamplemousseParakeet, and Lettuce skeins got together in a pile I thought, "Huh! That's a cute combination... It reminds me of bubble gum. How about I crochet it into a small dinosaur? One with dark and light green stripes, and pink spikes... Yeah! A bubblegum dinosaur!!!" Then the crowd hoisted me on their shoulders and we did a parade, everyone cheered and applauded- Yah... That sounded less awkward in my head. Hahaha! OvO

Monaco Yarn Shade #50 - Parakeet (1 skein)
Monaco Yarn Shade #54 - Lettuce (1 skein)
Monaco Yarn Shade #33 - Pamplemousse (1 skein)
Crochet Hook - F5 (3.75 mm)
Felt cloth:
           - Green
           - White
White thread
Fiberfill stuffing

Rnd 1: 6sc in mr (6)
Rnd 2: inc around (12)
Rnd 3: 1sc-inc (18)
Rnd 4: 2sc-inc (24)
Rnd 5: 3sc-inc (30)
Rnd 6: 4sc-inc (36)
Rnd 7-8: sc around (36)
Rnd 9-10: sc around (36)
Rnd 11: 5sc-inc (42)
Rnd 12: sc around (42)
Rnd 13-14: sc around (42)
Rnd 15-16: sc around (42)
Rnd 17: 6sc-inc (48)
Rnd 18: sc around (48)
Rnd 19-20: sc around (48)
Rnd 21: 6sc-dec (42)
Rnd 22: 5sc-dec (36)
Rnd 23: 4sc-dec (30)
Rnd 24: 3sc-dec (24)
Rnd 25: 2sc-dec (18)
Rnd 26: 1sc-dec (12)
Rnd 27: 1sc-dec (9)
FO, weave in ends
*Cut out green and white felt for the eyes
*Stitch mouth with white thread

Rnd 1: sc on 2nd ch from hook, inc around (12)
Rnd 2: 1sc-inc (18)
Rnd 3: 2sc-inc (24)
Rnd 4: 2hdc, 1sc, inc, [3sc-inc] 4x, 2sc, 2hdc, sl
Leave tail for sewing

LEGS (2x)
Rnd 1: 5sc in mr (5)
Rnd 2: sc around (10)
Rnd 3: 1sc-inc (15)
Rnd 4: 2sc-inc (20)
Rnd 5: sc around (20)
Rnd 6-7: sc around (20)
FO, leave tail for sewing

ARMS (2x)
Rnd 1: 4sc in mr (4)
Rnd 2: inc around (8)
Rnd 3-4: sc around (8)
FO, leave tail for sewing

Rnd 1: 4sc in mr (4)
Rnd 2: 1sc-inc (6)
Rnd 3: 2sc-inc (8)
Rnd 4: 3sc-inc (10)
Rnd 5: 4sc-inc (12)
Rnd 6: 5sc-inc (14)
Rnd 7: 6sc-inc (16)
Rnd 8: 7sc-inc (18)
Rnd 9: 8sc-inc (20)
Rnd 10: 9sc-inc (22)
Rnd 11: 10sc-inc (24)
FO, leave tail for sewing

Rnd 1: 4sc in mr (4)
Rnd 2: 1sc-inc (6)
Rnd 3: 2sc-inc (8)
Rnd 4: 3sc-inc (10)
FO, leave tail for sewing

I just love his big, green, innocent eyes... I could "Aww!" the whole day. So cute I could melt.
Well that did it... I've turned into a big puddle. Hahaha!

Thank you yarn inventory for such an adorable inspiration. ^^

===> So the winners were just announced this morning (Apr. 2)... Guess what? I won! Woo-hoo! Well, not exactly first place and just a random selection but at least, a win is a win. I'm so happy! Hehehe -^.^- Read the details here in DeviantArt.

Copyright: Kaichi is an original pattern written by Duchess Gala. You may do whatever you want with the finished product but please do not sell or claim the pattern as your own. Also, do not post the pattern directly to your website. Just link it to this blog. ^^ 

Disclaimer: Some of the photos I used are not mine and can be searched online