

So I watched the reboot movie of Godzilla a week after its release and I say, it did not disappoint. It was hands-down awesome, it just blew my mind. OMG! The Godzilla vs. Muto smack-down was out of this world. Man! I so love monster movies. The bigger, the better!!! Rawr!!! Hahaha! 

Anyway,  with the Godzilla hangover I've been doodling

the kawaii version of the classic monster. Yah, you heard me right... Kawaii version. Well, he was really fierce in the movie but if you take a good look at him... He actually seems adorable. Those chubby-wubby wegs, cutie-patootie big eyes, and shkewy-wewy roars. Aww! So cute. 

Hmm... Maybe I do have a problem... Nah! ^^

Eventually, I got tired of the doodles and decided to create an amigurumi version of Godzilla. If it was possible and would not kill me in the long run, I'd make him in life-size form. Seriously! I'd go for it if I could stop time and turn my hands into steel so I wouldn't bleed to death. How awesome could that be? An amigurumi of Godzilla as big as a building... Whoah! So. Want! Hahaha!

Monaco Yarn Shade #77 - Crocodile (3-4 skeins)
Monaco Yarn Shade #242 - Mint (1 skein)
Monaco Yarn Shade #46 - Ocean (1 skein)
Monaco Yarn Shade #26 - Periwinkle (1 skein)
Monaco Yarn Shade #31 - Flamingo (1 skein)
Crochet Hook - G6 (4 mm)
Black thread
Pink blush
Fiberfill stuffing
*hdcinc = 2hdc in 1st
*dcinc = 2dc in 1st
*hdcdec = 2hdc together


Rnd 1: 8sc in mr (8)
Rnd 2: inc around (16)
Rnd 3: 1sc-inc (24)
Rnd 4: 2sc-inc (32)
Rnd 5: 3sc-inc (40)
Rnd 6: sc around (40)
Rnd 7: 4sc-inc (48)
Rnd 8: sc around (48)
Rnd 9: 5sc-inc (56)
Rnd 10-16: sc around (56)
Rnd 17: 12sc-dec (52)
Rnd 18: sc around (52)
Rnd 19: 11sc-dec (48)
Rnd 20: sc around (48)
Rnd 21: 10sc-dec (44)
Rnd 22: 9sc, dec, [2sc-dec] 5x, 11sc, dec (37)
Rnd 23-25: sc around (37)
Rnd 26: 7sc, dec, [2sc-dec] 2x, 3sc, dec, 2sc, dec, 9sc, dec (31)
Rnd 27-28: sc around (31)
Rnd 29: 6sc, dec, 2sc, 2dec, 3sc, 2dec, 8sc, dec (25)
Rnd 30: sc around (25)
*Work in rows
*Don't remove the marker, you're gonna use that later
Row 31: 6sc, FLO, 2hdc, 9dc, 2hdc, ch2-turn (19)
Row 32: 13hdc, ch2-turn (13)
Row 33-35: hdc across, ch1-turn (13)
Row 36: sc across, ch1-turn (13)
Row 37: 13sc
*Instead of doing a ch1-turn on the 13th st of Row 37, keep on going with the sc until you go around and reach the last st before the marker. It makes a total of 26st
*From here on, work in rounds and continue count from Rnd 30
Rnd 31: sc around (39)
Rnd 32: 10sc, 2hdc, 15dc, 2hdc, 10sc (39)
Rnd 33: 10sc, inc, [8sc, inc] 2x, 10 sc (42)
Rnd 34: sc around (42)
Rnd 35: 12sc, 2hdc, 14dc, 2hdc, 12 sc (42)
Rnd 36: 12sc, 9hdcdec, 12sc (33)
Rnd 37: 11sc, [dec-1sc] 3x, dec, 11sc (29)
FO, leave tail for sewing

Rnd 1: 9sc in mr (9)
Rnd 2: inc around (18)
Rnd 3: 1sc-inc (27)
Rnd 4-5: sc around (27)
Rnd 6: 8sc, inc, 9sc, inc, 8sc (29)  
FO, weave in ends
*Stitch to the bottom part of the head
*Stitch eyes with black thread
*Put a little blush on the cheeks

Rnd 1: sc on 2nd ch from hook, sc around (30)
Rnd 2: inc, 4sc, 5hdc, 4sc, 2inc, 4sc, 5hdc, 4sc, inc (34)
Rnd 3: 1hdcinc, 3hdc, 9dc, 3hdc, 2hdcinc, 3hdc, 9dc, 3hdc, 1hdcinc (38)
Rnd 4: 1dcinc, 17dc, 2dcinc, 17dc, 1dcinc (42)
FO, leave tail for sewing

ARMS (2x)
Rnd 1:  6sc in mr (6)
Rnd 2: 1sc-inc (9)
Rnd 3-9: sc around (9)
FO, leave tail for sewing

*Pinch the closed part of the arm and connect yarn to one side
*[3ch, sl on 2nd ch, sl on next st] 3x
FO, weave in ends

Rnd 1: 7sc in mr (7)
Rnd 2: inc around (14)
Rnd 3: 1sc-inc (21)
Rnd 4: 2sc-inc (28)
Rnd 5: 3sc-inc (35)
Rnd 6-8: sc around (35)
FO, leave tail for sewing

FEET (2x)
Rnd 1: 5sc in mr (5)
Rnd 2: inc around (10)
Rnd 3: 1sc-inc (15)
Rnd 4-12: sc around (15)
Rnd 13: 1sc-dec (10)
Rnd 14: [1sc-dec] 3x, 1sc (7)
Rnd 15: dec, 2sc, dec, 1 sc (5)
FO, weave in ends
*Stitch below the hind legs

Rnd 1: 4sc in mr (4)
Rnd 2: 1sc-inc (6)
Rnd 3: 2sc-inc (8)
Rnd 4: 3sc-inc (10)
Rnd 5: 4sc-inc (12)
Rnd 6: 5sc-inc (14)
Rnd 7: 6sc-inc (16)
Rnd 8: 7sc-inc (18)
Rnd 9: 8sc-inc (20)
Rnd 10: sc around (20)
Rnd 11: 9sc-inc (22)
Rnd 12: sc around (22)
Rnd 13: 10sc-inc (24)
Rnd 14: sc around (24)
Rnd 15: 11sc-inc (26)
Rnd 16: sc around (26)
Rnd 17: 12sc-inc (28)
Rnd 18: sc around (28)
Rnd 19: 13sc-inc (30)
Rnd 20: sc around (30)
Rnd 21: 14sc-inc (32)
Rnd 22: sc around (32)
Rnd 23: 15sc-inc (34)
Rnd 24: 16sc-inc (36)
FO, leave tail for sewing

Row 1: sc on 2nd ch from hook, sc across, ch1-turn (41)
Row 2: [5ch, sl on 2nd ch, 3sl], sl on next 2st repeat until last st
FO, leave tail for sewing
*Row 2 is a bit tricky so I made this little diagram to make it a little easier. Hope it helps ^^

Row 1: sc on 2nd ch from hook, sc across, ch1-turn (38)
Row 2: [ch4, sl on 2nd ch, 2sl, sl on next 2st] repeat until last st
FO, leave tail for sewing
*Same as the Row 2 in the middle spikes pattern, but with fewer stitches
Well, this was quite an accomplishment, if I do say so myself. Making the body/bottom part of the head was one of the hardest patterns I had to come up with. To tell you the truth, I wasn't 100% sure that I was doing this right. But not until I finished it and turned out this cute that I finally said to myself, "You did good". Most awesome feeling in the world. Yeah! Hahaha ^^

Copyright: Godzilla-Kun is an original pattern written by Duchess Gala. You may do whatever you want with the finished product but please do not sell or claim the pattern as your own. Also, do not post the pattern directly to your website. Just link it to this blog. ^^ 

Disclaimer: Some of the images are not mine and can be searched online


  1. Yes, you definitely did good! So cayute!! LOL! I'm gonna try it!! Thanks for sharing!

  2. Is wonderful, im love godzilla, thanks!!

  3. I don't understand the instructions on row 37 on the bottom of the head.

    1. When you reach Row 37, just sc around until you reach the st before the marker. You'll be working on rounds again. It's just getting you back where you left off before doing the rows. Did that help? ^^

    2. rows 31-37 are a flap for me and when I continue on it folds and I do not have 39 stitches. I must be reading the pattern wrong for those rows.

    3. What do you mean? It's supposed to be a flap since it's the lower jaw. You get the 39 stitches if you go around. So after 13 sc in Row 37, don't ch1-turn but instead sc all around (From the rim of the jaw to the back of the head) until the last st before the marker. You left the marker before doing the rows right?

    4. I think it's because you didn't include the 13sc in the count.

      Okay, put a marker on the first sc in Row 37. It'll make it less confusing. Then do the rest of the 12 sc and instead of doing a ch1-turn continue working in rounds until you reach your marker. So 13sc plus the 26sc to go around is 39sc all in all.

      I hope this helps. ^^

    5. Whoops! I didn't see you had a follow up question. So sorry about that.

      No worries, just retrace your steps before Row 37. When you're sure right back in track, put a marker on the first sc you do in Row 37. Then like I said earlier, just sc around until you reach your marker. ^^

      Just give me a buzz if you're still having a hard time. I'll be more than happy to help. ^^

  4. Why do have two differant sets of instruction for rows 31-37?

    1. Because rows 31 - 36 are worked in rows and not rounds. I described 37 as a row then turning into a round so that the transition wouldn't be confusing.

  5. My grandson would love this Godzilla but the pattern is too confusing for me even though I have been crocheting for over 40 years. I would love to know if any others have given up on the confusing rows.

    1. Ouch! Well that kinda stung. I'm really sorry if my pattern's confusing but that's the only way I know how to write it. I'm no expert. I've just started crocheting 2 years ago. I wouldn't know if anyone's given up, but I do know some who did it in Ravelry. You could ask them instead if you like. ^^

  6. Sorry, didn't mean to be mean just frustrated that I couldn't figure it out but I'm not giving up! THANK YOU for the hard work that went into writing the pattern that's something I have never done or have the talent for.

    1. No problem. I understand the frustration. ^^ I asked a friend who made this to assist you. She said she'll comment on this blog next Monday or any day next week. ^^

  7. To anyone who's confused by this pattern, please go to Shanese J/n3se's youtube video ( on how to do the body/head-bottom part. Specifically rows 31-37. It's a bit out of frame but the how-to is quite clear.

    Shout out to Shanese J/n3se, THANKS SO MUCH!!! ^^

    1. Quise ver el video para entender pero dice que es privado, como puedo hacer para verlo?

  8. It's absolutely adorable! I must make this for my son. I'm curious as to how big it is. I don't see the measurements and I can't quite tell from the photos. Sorry. And thank you for sharing your pattern. I can't wait to start it. :)

    1. Sorry about the measurements, I'm not very good with details. Y_Y But I think it's about 10 inches, big enough for a cuddle-buddy. ^^

      I'm glad you liked the pattern. I know your son will love it. Just give me a buzz if you need any help. Good luck. ^^

    2. Oh my goodness, I'm nearly finished with it. I went with a wool that he liked,a very chunky one, so it's about 14 inches or so, but he will absolutely love it! It's my first 3D project, so I figured it would take longer. Now, I have to try and keep it a secret until end of November for his birthday. Thank you!

    3. Wow! That's great. It's a relief to know that my pattern isn't that confusing. Hehehe! ^^ Oh so his birthday is in November... Not very long now. Extend my greetings to your lovely son. ^^

  9. I too am confused by the flap and returning from back and forth to rounds - do you mean you should be picking up stitches along the sides of the flap so that you end up with 39? That is the only confusing part. The rest of the pattern is really well done and super cute. :) Thank you for putting in all the hard work.

    1. Sorry, but I'm not sure I understand your question. But let me see if I got it right... After you do the flap up to Row 37, you go around with sc until you reach the marker you left on Rnd 30. Then work on it as a normal round... So you'll not just work around the front flap anymore but around it. Did that make sense? -^.^-

    2. Just give me a buzz if it gets difficult again. ^^

  10. Replies
    1. It means front loop only. Instead of inserting your hook to both loops of the stitches, you only work on one... The one that's facing you. ^^

    2. Which stitches does that FLO in row 31 go with? The first 6sc ? Or the following 2hdc? The commas on both sides of the FLO make me uncertain

  11. The stitch count for rounds 27 and 28 should be 31, not 21. I figured it was a typo.

  12. I finishe'd attaching the spikes early this morning. It's very cute.

  13. I just finished my Godzilla-kun! It is so cute and I enjoyed making all the parts, especially the claws! Thank you so much for sharing your pattern!

  14. How big is it? Don't see any mention of size any where. Thank you :)

    1. Sorry, I keep forgetting to put in the size. It just slips my mind. T_T

      Anyway, Godzilla-kun is about 12 inches tall.

  15. FLO means front loop only. So you're going to work on the loop of the stitch facing you.

    Now this part is a bit tricky 'coz you will not be doing a complete round. Your stitches will only go part of the way then you chain 1 then turn to go back. So instead of rounds, you'll be working in rows.

    Was that clear? I hope it helped. Hehehe If you have further questions just give me a buzz. ^^

  16. Super cute pattern! Do you only use FLO for 2hdc or for all stitches through row 37?

  17. Super cute pattern! Do you continue with FLO through row 37 or only for the 2hdc stitches?

    1. Sorry I wasn't able to respond to this right away. ToT

      Okay, the FLO is only for Row 31, the rest of the stitches will be done normally after. Sorry for the confusion. I hope this helped.

  18. Ohhhh my gosh I enjoyed making this so much, and it’s so wonderfully generous of you to post your pattern for free!! I absolutely love him!! Thank you!!

  19. Very cute Godzilla. One question though. Rows 33-35 are hdc which usually requires chain 2 before turn; the instruction is for chain 1. Row 32, also hdc, has chain 2 before turn. Should it actually be a chain 2 for Rows 33-35 ? Thanks. Again, adorable pattern

  20. I know this is an old blog, but is there a way your friend could repost the video? I made this little guy years ago and that video REALLY helped with those tricky rows, but that video is set to “private”. :(

    Our daughter LOVES the “Dino” as she calls it and I’m trying to make her a giant one.

    Please and thanks so much!!!

  21. For this section:
    Rnd 30: sc around (25)
    *Work in rows
    *Don't remove the marker, you're gonna use that later
    Row 31: 6sc, FLO, 2hdc, 9dc, 2hdc, ch2-turn (19)
    Row 32: 13hdc, ch2-turn (13)
    Row 33-35: hdc across, ch1-turn (13)
    Row 36: sc across, ch1-turn (13)
    Row 37: 13sc
    *Instead of doing a ch1-turn on the 13th st of Row 37, keep on going with the sc until you go around and reach the last st before the marker. It makes a total of 26st

    Do I turn at the stick marker and work through the stich marker (leaving it the marker) or do I turn at the marker and work the rows?

    1. I wish she had replied to this comment. I am totally confused about those rows. And crocheting is my super power! Haha. Also, which stitches is the FLO for? The entire row? Do you crochet along the sides of the flap? Very confusing. That video is no longer available. I wish it were. Pics or videos would be helpful. Oh well. The pattern is free, after all.
