Goodbye Freddie
I wrote this fanfic story a year ago and never crossed my mind to post about it here... I guess I was really that caught up with the amigurumis. Anyway, this piece is my contribution to the "Hiddles" community. By "Hiddles" I meant girls (Or boys. Wink Wink! ;D) going gaga over Tom Hiddleston. Would you look at him, such a dream. Sigh! And that, ladies and gentlemen is why girls nowadays have impossible standards. Umm-Hmm! Hahaha! XD
I consider myself new in the fandom since it was just in the middle of 2012 when I got the "Hiddles". It was right after reading LOKANE (Loki x Jane) fanfics at Of all the stories, I'd say my most favorite was Alydia Rackham's "Fallen Star". It's like the best re-telling of the Thor movie... Ever! Loved it so much.
So with the "Hiddles", I had a Tom Hiddleston marathon a few years back. And by marathon, I meant watching all of his films and TV series... Okay, maybe not exactly a total marathon since most I haven't gotten around to watching. Yes, disappointing as it is... I have only watched 5 or 6 of his films and barely finished with the "Hollow Crown" series. I'm embarrassed that I can't be a full-fledged "Hiddles", but you know... Girl's gotta work. Sigh! Priorities... Anyway, of all his films I'd say the one that I loved and bizarrely hated the most is "The Deep Blue Sea".
I know it sounds weird but it's true, I really have mixed emotions about it. I loved it for two reasons—well, one is because it's a Tom Hiddleston and Rachel Weisz tandem (I mean, two of your fave stars in a film together? Who wouldn't go crazy over that?!!!), and two, it's because the plot in itself was quite compelling. The main protagonist's dilemma in being stuck in such a situation was really... Umm... Probably relatable to girls. But for me... I guess I find it extraordinary. O_o
So why do I also hate it? Hmm... It's simple really—I'm not a fan of watching weak women. I'm not sure whether to despise or feel bad for Rachel Weisz's character (Hesther Collyer) for being gullible enough to fall for Freddie Page's (Tom Hiddleston) charms and then make stupid decisions after. Not that I completely blame her, Tom was unanimously picked to portray the character since he looked like the guy girl's would ruin their lives over for. No kidding! I could hardly contain my girlish giggles when watching him. Ooh-lala! ^^ I just wish it had a different ending, where Hesther was much stronger. You know, like a scene where she raises the flag of femininity or make Joan of Arc proud, or something. Sigh! Oh well... I guess that bit's what really made this movie interesting.
If I were to review this, I'd give it an 8 out of 10. Love the cinematography, transition (Well... Maybe confusing on some parts with the erratic flashbacks but great nonetheless), plot, and most especially the cast. Although I still couldn't get my head around that Hesther's husband, Sir William Collyer and Falstaff are portrayed by the same actor. Until now, it boggles my mind. O_O
One more thing I'd like to say is that Tom Hiddleston did an awesome portrayal of the character and proved that he's a genuinely good actor. No doubt about it, he was born for the role. Why do I say so? Well, after the movie I had the unusual urge to smack him right across the face... As in one full swing right in the kisser. It's like I wanted him to taste my own recipe of a knuckle sandwich smothered in the sauce of women's souls. Yes, a sandwich analogy is appropriate... And pretty metal too. Hahaha! But seriously, he really did an amazing job. ^^
So without further ado... Please enjoy my fanfic of "The Deep Blue Sea".
(Click for Fanfic Story)
Ooh! Before I forget, if you're going to google the film make sure you include one of the cast's name or put in the "The" at the beginning, otherwise it will direct you to the 1999 shark suspense-thriller, "Deep Blue Sea." Well, if you're into monsters trying to kill Thomas Jane and LL Cool J looking... Well, cool, then go right ahead. ^^
If you have the time, please leave a review at or comment in this page. Your insights and opinions are very welcome indeed. ^^
Disclaimer: the characters of the 2011 romantic, drama film, "The Deep Blue Sea" (Freddie Page, Hesther Collyer, Mrs. Elton, and Mr. Miller) mentioned in the fan fiction does not belong to Duchess Gala, but an intellectual property of Terence Davies, director and writer of the said film.
Disclaimer: Some of the photos I used are not mine and can be searched online
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